Our Foundations of Faithfulness

Here, in these seven Foundations of Faithfulness, you will find the foundations upon which faithfulness to Christ here at Grace Baptist Church will always depend. And while these Foundations are organically sequential, each is independently significant as well.

May God be glorified in our lives, and may we glorify our God through our faithfulness!

The Roots


In a world seeking stability and security, we have the solid, defensible truth of God in the Scriptures - the Written Word - which finds as their creative source the very breath of God. Thus, the Bible, God’s Word, is the one and only infallible source of truth. As such, it forms the grid through which all things must pass so that truth is recognized and accepted, while error is unmasked and rejected. And, it is in these Scriptures that we find the truth about Jesus of Nazareth, God the Son Incarnate, the Messiah and Savior of the world who is the Living Word. 


In a world increasingly confused about who we are, the Bible defines our identity as human beings, made in the image of God, male and female, and sinful. The truth of the gospel then defines our “in Christ” identity as redeemed, rescued, and adopted children of God who are being reformed according to the image of Jesus. In Christ, we are a new kind of humanity, with a unique purpose of glorifying God and enjoying him forever. This means that our “in Christ” identity is the most important thing about us and is the real definition of our identity. It is who we are!


In a world of increasing isolation, our “in Christ” identity will mean that we will find true, satisfying community in the 3 communal institutions God has created for us: marriage, family, and the Church. In marriage, we come to understand the person of God. In family, we come to understand the authority of God. And in the Church, we come to understand the family and mission of God. In all these relationships, we learn we are loved, encouraged, and pushed to mature spiritually in order to be useful to the Master in championing him and serving others.

The Fruits


First, we will be a people of great hope, making us conspicuous in a world given to discouragement and despair. All around us, the spirit of the age is sadness, anger, division, and denigration. But, as those who are growing in likeness to Christ, we will pursue every day with joy, living for Jesus with smiles on our faces, and hope that is steadfast and sure in our hearts. We have set our hope on the grace to be brought to us at the appearing of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:13), and not on the power and authority structures of this world. This world is not our home. Its moral decay will not be our destruction, neither will its successes be our prosperity. Rather, our hope is in the Lord, maker of heaven and earth, and the giver of the grace of eternal life.


Second, as people of truth, identity, hope, and love, we will be agents of influence wherever we are and whatever we do. We exist to influence our world for Jesus Christ through the message of the Gospel courageously and consistently lived out in lives that exemplify the message and character of Jesus himself. Like our Savior, we will strive to be filled with both grace and truth, neither warring against culture nor withdrawing from culture, but proving to be winsome witnesses to culture of the transforming Gospel of Jesus.


Third, education speaks to the task that must be constant if the other five foundations are to remain strong in the next generations of the church. Failure to educate and disciple new believers and our children in the realities of truth, identity, community, hope, influence, and education will result in the diminishing of the church in terms of faithfulness to Christ. Conversely, when these seven Foundations of Faithfulness become the focus of our lives individually, as parents, and as a church community, the testimony of faithfulness will be carried forth in our lives and in the lives of those who come behind us.


Lastly, love must be threaded under, over, and through all that we do. Jesus exhorts us to love our enemies, our neighbors, and one another, leaving no room for a lack of love in any situation, or toward any person. Paul demands that all we do be done in love (1 Corinthians 16:13).  

Given the great challenges the church faces in our world today, it is imperative that these seven Foundations of Faithfulness direct strategic planning in the church as well as the personal and ministry practices of the church going forward.