Rejoice with Exceedingly Great Joy!

Written by Joe Keller | Executive Pastor

The birth of Jesus is the most significant event in the history of the world. His entrance was not what would have been expected. It was unassuming and unceremonious. The people of God who had not heard from God through the prophets for 500 years could have been tempted to believe the day of the Messiah's coming would never arrive. It was the wise men from the east, having knowledge of the coming Messiah, who "rejoiced with exceedingly great joy" upon seeing the star marking the birthplace of our King (Matt. 2:10). Let us reflect anew in harmony with that night on how the birth of Jesus brings renewed joy to our hearts during this holiday season.   

We rejoice in the promises of God (Heb. 11:1; II Pet. 1:3-8)

The birth of Jesus proclaims that God keeps his promises. The promise given in Genesis 3:15 countless centuries before was fulfilled with accuracy and perfect timing. The Bible is filled with the repeated call to remember God's faithfulness to keep his promises from one generation to the next. God describes himself as full of loving kindness and faithfulness. This gives us confidence and hope that our future is just as secure as the faithfulness of the past.

“There is joy in the revelation that God keeps his promises and renewed joy and hope for those promises that remain for us today.”

Our faith is based on the confidence that God keeps his promises. The joy of the birth of Jesus is a magnificent expression that he has kept his promises, and we can place our hope that he will keep his promises today.

We rejoice in the power of God (Eph. 1:9-11; I Cor. 5:14-15)

The birth of Jesus reveals the power of God to be in control over all things. The span of human events orchestrated to bring to bear the fulfillment of the promised Messiah can only be accomplished by an omnipotent God. We place our trust in his promises, which are secured by the power of God to accomplish them. The same power that sovereignly brought to bear the birth of Christ and redemption through him also continues to orchestrate all things according to his plan. There is rest and joy that resides in the fact that our very lives are under the powerful control of God. This gives us a confidence that in all circumstances God is at work to fulfill his will for his glory and our joy. This powerful reality not only conforms the world around us but transforms our hearts within us. The birth of Jesus is the powerful fulfillment of the new covenant that brings redemption, hope, and exceeding joy to those who believe.

We rejoice in the presence of God (Rom. 8:31-39; Heb. 4:14-16)

The birth of Jesus brings to us the very presence of God. Humanity has never seen God and was separated from God because of sin. The promises of the new covenant being revealed according to the power of God are fulfilled in the very presence of God to man. The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us to bring forgiveness for the sin that separates those who believe.

“Our redemption from sin through the person and work of Jesus Christ reconciles God and man. His presence brings help for today and a bright hope for tomorrow.”

We are not alone. We have the presence of God in our lives and the community of the people of God through every life circumstance. Isolation brings dispute, and relationship brings joy and hope. The birth of Jesus removes the isolation of sin and brings relationship and community with him and his people.

The birth of Jesus brings renewed joy as we reflect upon the promises, power, and presence of God. Take time this holiday season to consider and rejoice in the coming of our King! Let our rejoicing remain through every season of our lives as we await the second coming of Jesus when our joy will be made complete.


Advent and Love


The Kingdom of God